Princeton Grooming Recomends A Canine First Aid Kit
Posted in Announcements
Dogs have the uncanny ability to get into anything and everything at the most inopportune and unexpected times. One might consider a kit for your home as well as your vehicle—especially if your dog frequently travels with you. While many of the supplies in a human first-aid kit can be used for pets too, you may prefer a separate one for each. Either way, appropriate first aid supplies will allow you to more readily deal with a canine medical emergency.
Your kit should include the following items:
• Activated charcoal, available from pharmacists, or milk of magnesia (they bind or neutralize certain poisons)
• Alcohol or alcohol prep pads for sterilizing scissors, tweezers; not for use on wounds
• Eye wash for flushing out eye contaminants
• Gauze rolls and gauze pads for wrapping wounds or muzzling an injured dog
• Gloves (disposable latex) for protecting hands and prevent contamination of wounds
• Hydrogen peroxide 3% USP or Ipecac, to induce vomiting, if necessary.
• Instant cold pack / Instant heat wrap
• Muzzle (A dog may try to bite if he is injured or scared. Never muzzle a dog that is vomiting.)
• Non-stick bandages, towels or strips of clean cloth to control bleeding or protect wounds
• Ointments (triple antibiotic ointment/spray inhibits bacterial growth in cuts, abrasions)
• Scissors & tweezers
• Styptic pencil or corn starch (an anti-coagulant) to stop bleeding if a nail is broken, torn, or clipped too short.
• Thermometer designed specifically for dogs, as the temperature of regular thermometers do not always go high enough for pets.
• Large eye dropper, bulb syringe, or large medical syringe without the needle for flushing wounds
possible extras including:
• Antiseptic towelettes
• Benadryl 25 mg for temporary relief of itching, scratching due to allergies
• Canned or dehydrated pumpkin (works as both an anti-diarrhea agent and natural laxative) Many breeds including Australian Shepherds, German Shepherd Dogs, and Shetland Sheepdogs carry the MDR-1 gene that can cause adverse reactions to certain drugs including anti-diarrheal medications, such as Imodium.
• EMT Gel (Applied to a wound it reduces bleeding, seals off nerve ending to reduce pain and itching, and forms a protective barrier over wound to reduce infection.)
• Famotidine (available from a veterinarian or over-the-counter as Pepcid AC 10 mg) helps to reduce stomach upset/vomiting by reducing the amount of stomach acid being produced.
• Flexible cohesive wrap for securing wound wraps
• Hydrocortisone cream
• Rehydrating solution, such as Pedialyte, to replace lost electrolytes
• Rescue Remedy (Bach Original Flower Essences). A natural stress relief for calming dogs.
• Sterile saline wound flush
• Sticker with emergency numbers including: poison control center, regular veterinarian, and 24-hour emergency clinic (accidents almost always happen after hours)
• Tea-Tree Equine Wound Spray by Healing Tree. A veterinarian formulated first aid wound spray for cuts, scrapes, abrasions, hot spots, etc. Rapid acting. Non-greasy. Non-stinging. Formulated for horses, it works great on dogs, too.
For more information about first aid kits or classes, contact your local veterinarian or the
American Red Cross.